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Borago officinalis 200 g

Productcode: 93206

The borage (Borago officinalis), often called cucumber herb, is an easily recognizable, shaggy, annual plant with blue flowers.

The plant becomes 45-90 cm high. The thick stems are branched and hollow. The leaves are 7-20 cm long and pointed oval in shape. The lower leaves are more egg-shaped and stalked, the upper leaves more elongated and stem-wide.

The plant belongs to the roughleaf family (Boraginaceae), and all parts of the plant (stems, leaves, and flower buds) are therefore covered with short hairs. For the leaves this applies to both top and bottom.

The flowering time is from May or June to autumn. The flowers are bright blue with a white heart, with fine crown petals and black anthers. Occasionally the flowers can also be pink or white. The chalice is 0.5 to 2 cm long. The hanging flowers are in shafts at the end of the stem. The sepals are 0.5 to 1.5 cm long and pointed in shape. [1] The stamens are arranged so that a cone forms. Pollination is done by bees and bumble bees, the seeds provided with an ant bread are dragged by these animals.

Price per product (Piece): € 10,00

€ 50,00/KG
