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VitaFeed Patty (box 20 x 300g)

Productcode: 921010
HOW TO USE: Open the box when required and reseal if some product remains. Ensure the availability of clean water and nectar. If there is no nectar, administer a substitute based on simple sugars. Apply according to the activity of the hive. Consumption is usually 200 grams every 15 days in hives with more than 60% of occupied frames. Place on top of the brood body ensuring easy access for nurse bees, especially at low temperatures. 1. As wintering supplement : After the honey flow has finished, place 1 patty (300 g) on top of the brood frames or 1/2 patty (150 g ) for nuclei. Repeat after 7 to 10 days. 2. As a spring supplement: Place 1/2 patty (150 g ) on top of the brood frames. Repeat 3 times, with an interval of 7 to 10 days, depending on consumption, until observing sufficient pollen entry. INDICATIONS: VitaFeed Patty is designed to provide protein and amino acids to supplement natural forage Scientifically formulated on the basis of hydrolyzed beer yeast, rich in vitamins, nucleotides, inositol, glutamic acid and other amino acids, VitaFeed Patty’s composition is very similar to pollen, with an optimum particle size to favour its consumption. The levels of vitamins of group B have been reinforced to enhance brood development. VitaFeed Patty provides prebiotics that help bees to maintain an optimal immune status and allow them to deal with immune problems, in particular those related to the intestine. VitaFeed Patty provides energy in the form of monosaccharides that makes the product especially appealing It contributes minerals in organic form, making them much more bioavailable for bees.

Price per product (Piece): € 59,40

€ 29,70/KG
